Answer-1: We all know the Fibonacci recurrence as F(n+1) = F(n) + F(n-1) but we can represent this in the form a matrix as shown below:
Look at the matrix A = [ [ 1 1 ] [ 1 0 ] ] . Multiplying A with [ F(n) F(n-1) ] gives us [ F(n+1) F(n) ] , so we say that
A* [ F(n) F(n-1) ] = [ F(n+1) F(n) ]start with [ F(1) F(0) ] , multiplying it with A gives us [ F(2) F(1) ]; again multiplying [ F(2) F(1) ] with A gives us [ F(3) F(2) ] and so on...
A* [ F(1) F(0) ] = [ F(2) F(1) ]
A* [ F(2) F(1) ] = [ F(3) F(2) ] = A^2 * [ F(1) F(0) ]
A* [ F(1) F(0) ] = [ F(4) F(3) ] = A^3 * [ F(1) F(0) ]
A* [ F(n) F(n-1) ] = [ F(n+1) F(n) ] = A^n * [ F(1) F(0) ]
So all that is left is finding the nth power of the matrix A. Well, this can be computed in O(log n) time, by recursive doubling. The idea is, to find A^n , we can do R = A^(n/2) * A^(n/2) and if n is odd, we need do multiply with an A at the end. The following pseudo code shows the same.
Matrix findNthPower( Matrix M , power n )
if( n == 1 ) return M;
Matrix R = findNthPower ( M , n/2 );
R = RxR; // matrix multiplication
if( n%2 == 1 ) R = RxM; // matrix multiplication
return R;
In this manner, by using the magic of DP, we can get the Nth fibonacci number in O(logN).
Answer-2: Doing the matrix exponential with an eigendecomposition first is exactly equivalent to JDunkerly's solution below. The eigenvalues of this matrix are the (1 + sqrt(5))/2 and (1 - sqrt(5))/2.
The nth Fibonacci number is given byf(n) = Floor(phi^n / sqrt(5) + 1/2)
phi = (1 + sqrt(5)) / 2
Assuming that the primitive mathematical operations (+, -, * and /) are O(1) you can use this result to compute the nth Fibonacci number in O(log n) time (O(log n) because of the exponentiation in the formula).
In C#:
static double inverseSqrt5 = 1 / Math.Sqrt(5);
static double phi = (1 + Math.Sqrt(5)) / 2;
/* should use
const double inverseSqrt5 = 0.44721359549995793928183473374626
const double phi = 1.6180339887498948482045868343656
static int Fibonacci(int n) {
return (int)Math.Floor(Math.Pow(phi, n) * inverseSqrt5 + 0.5);
Thanks! This page is good for a non-matrix solution: