A clear explanation and solution in (Python, Java, C++):
the most naive solution would be to exhaustively examine all n (n + 1) / 2 substrings of the givenn-length string, test each one if it's a palindrome, and keep track of the longest one seen so far. This has worst-case complexity O(n3), but we can easily do better by realizing that a palindrome is centered on either a letter (for odd-length palindromes) or a space between letters (for even-length palindromes). Therefore we can examine all 2n + 1 possible centers and find the longest palindrome for that center, keeping track of the overall longest palindrome. This has worst-case complexity O(n2).
But this can be done in O(N)
A Java Code:
public static string GetPalindromeString(string theInputString)
{ int j = 0;
int k = 0; string aPalindrome = string.Empty; string aLongestPalindrome = string.Empty ; for (int i = 1; i < theInputString.Length; i++) { k = i + 1; j = i - 1; while (j >= 0 && k < theInputString.Length) { if (theInputString[j] != theInputString[k]) { break; } else { j--; k++; } aPalindrome = theInputString.Substring(j + 1, k - j - 1); if (aPalindrome.Length > aLongestPalindrome.Length) { aLongestPalindrome = aPalindrome; } } } return aLongestPalindrome; }
This one is related -- to use the regular expression to detect the palindrome:
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